Mama P Inspired

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Let’s Talk…..Are All Of Your Eggs In One Basket?

“Don’t put all of your eggs in one basket.”  Have you heard that before? What does it mean to not put all your EGGS in one basket?  Well, it’s an idiom.  An IDIOM is a phrase that, as a whole, has a meaning you wouldn’t be able to decipher just by looking at the individual words, it wouldn’t make sense.    “A piece of cake”, “time flies”, “break a leg” are all examples of idioms. “Don't put all your eggs in one basket” is an idiom that means “don't RISK everything by committing to ONE plan or idea”.  Why not?  Well, if you invest all of your resources into one thing, you might just lose everything if it fails.  When you put all of your eggs in one basket, you are not providing yourself with a BACKUP plan, you don’t have any alternatives.  

So what should you do?  DIVERSIFY - have at least one backup plan, a SECOND basket.  That doesn’t mean that you aren’t sure of yourself or not fully believing in the one thing you are investing in.  I think it is IMPORTANT, maybe even VITAL, to believe 100% in what it is that you are investing in, but what would happen to those eggs that are all in ONE basket if you trip and all of your eggs get smashed?  If you put your eggs in at least two baskets you are at least left with part of your eggs, right?

Why all this talk about eggs?  Well we aren’t literally putting all of our eggs in a basket, but the idiom can definitely be applied to anything of importance in your life.  FINANCES . . . dreams . . . PLANS . . . time . . . ASPIRATIONS . . . career . . . FAMILY . . .  health . . . RELATIONSHIPS . . . education.  When we put all of our resources into one of these areas or anything else that is the FOCUS of all of our “basket”, it is to satisfy a need or want. There’s nothing wrong with doing something to satisfy a need or want, but how much are you willing to INVEST in it, and at what cost?

Are you putting ALL of your resources into one area, one endeavor, one vision of how you expect your life to look?  What is the problem with that?  Well, life is MESSY.  Things rarely go as we plan.  It is important to be focused, but also to understand that you need to be flexible - like a rubber band - but remember that even a rubber band can break.  That doesn’t mean to compromise on your values, your vision, your . . . whatever, but you also don’t want all of your eggs to get smashed and be left . . . EMPTY.  It’s a matter of protecting your mental well-being.  

Do YOU have all of your eggs in one basket? 

My friends, don’t leave yourself vulnerable to a COLLAPSE.  Don’t lose focus on what MATTERS most to you, but have a backup plan.  It’s like having a plan if a fire were to break out in your house.  You don’t want that to happen, you don’t expect that to happen, but have a plan B, have an escape route.  Have another basket!   

Keep all of your Easter eggs in one basket, but think about the BASKET and EGGS in your LIFE.

Have a fabulous week my friends!