Mama P Inspired

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Let’s Talk…

"I’m not a woman trying to impress.

I’m a woman trying to progress.

The focus is different.”

- Unknown

Have You Lost Focus?

Do you ever get so busy that you feel, as we say “like you’re running around like a chicken with its head cut off”?  Oh my goodness!  I make to-do lists every day to help me organize the things I want or need to get done and then mark them off as I go.  For the most part, I absolutely LOVE this method of organization.  It allows me to focus my attention on one thing at a time and as I see the list disappearing, one item at a time, I feel a sense of ACCOMPLISHMENT.

However, I lost focus this week!  I bought some avocados at the store and thought I would boil some eggs to go with them for nice healthy lunches for a few days.  I put the eggs in a pan with water, turned on the burner, and……well, I stayed in the kitchen BUT I started going through my email on my laptop.   I was working away and all of a sudden I heard a funny crackling sound.  At first I thought it was one of my cats that had been playing with a piece of plastic.  I looked around to see what he was doing and …..OH NO!  It was the EGGS!  They had boiled dry!!!  I immediately turned off the burner and set them off of the stove.  I was so mad at myself, not just because I wasn’t paying attention and let the eggs boil dry, but because the price of eggs has gone up SO much lately it was like I just burned GOLD!!!  

When the pan had cooled down, I sat it in the sink and put some water in it.  I don’t know why, it wasn’t like adding water to the pan at this point was going to make everything better.  When they had cooled, I peeled the eggs and to my surprise they were still very much edible!  Only ONE egg had cracked open and oozed some of its glorious protein.  YAY!

This really got me thinking, how often in life do we lose FOCUS?  Sometimes it may not seem to matter too much, but other times it could wind up in DISASTER!  Luckily my eggs, my pan, and my kitchen all turned out well.  But it could have been so much worse!  

Do YOU ever lose focus?  Maybe you don’t focus when someone is talking to you?  Maybe you lose focus on the road when you’re driving?  Maybe it’s when you’re reading?  I’m pretty sure everyone loses focus now and again.  But do you ever lose focus on your GOALS in life?  Your DREAMS?  Is life getting in the way of them and they get pushed aside?  

My friends, don’t lose focus on what MATTERS most to you!  Think about your PRIORITIES and don’t lose your focus!  Don’t let your eggs burn while you’re working on your laptop!!!

DO something TODAY towards your GOALS my friends!