Mama P Inspired

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From Comparison to Compassion

I like to COMPARE - prices, brands, what shirts go best with a pair of pants, different colors of lipstick, and on and on.  But then, if I’m not careful, I start comparing MYSELF to others. I think we all are guilty of comparing ourselves to others, but I feel that women especially have a hard time with it!  Why?  I think a big part of it has to do with society telling us we should look a certain way and if we don’t we are “less than”.  I’ll bet those SAME women we are comparing ourselves to also compare themselves to others.  It’s a VICIOUS cycle!  Why do we fall into that trap?  When we start comparing our looks or situations, or lives in general to someone else, we start down that dark ROAD of loneliness that seems to have no end.  

Comparison doesn’t have to be an ugly pit we fall into though.  It can actually lead us to greater AWARENESS and GROWTH.  We can compare our new habits, choices, and routines to what they used to be and see progress and transformation - areas of IMPROVEMENT!  We can start treating ourselves with the same COMPASSION and kindness that we show to others instead of beating ourselves up because we don’t think we measure up ~ that’s called self-compassion.  

Instead of concentrating on what makes us DIFFERENT in a negative way, how about focusing on what makes us different and UNIQUE?  Or what makes us the SAME?   What do you have in common with that person you tend to compare yourself to? Maybe if we start sharing our INSECURITIES we can actually find common ground. We can encourage one another, be happy for someone else’s success, understanding that we all TRAVEL down different roads, and you don’t know how many potholes or dirt roads that other person has had to travel to get to where they are now.   When we REDIRECT our focus to that of compassion, we can close the gap of isolation and delight in what makes us different in a unique way.  We can let compassion draw us TOGETHER as we experience the love and connection we were created for.

My friend, YOU were not made a clone, YOU were made to be UNIQUE! Celebrate who YOU are!  Get out there and SPARKLE!