Mama P Inspired

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Laughing At Yourself

Do you sometimes drive yourself CRAZY with the things you do?  I sure do!  Sometimes I think my brain is just in overdrive.  I get an IDEA to do something and it just keeps going and building from that tiny snowball of an idea into an enormous, watch-out-because-this thing-is-going-to-knock-you-over snowball!  

I would say that I am without a doubt CREATIVE.  I’m definitely “right-brained”!  I don’t at all consider that a bad thing, but sometimes my creativity makes me LAUGH at the things I come up with.  I get an idea in my head and it WILL happen.  Take, for instance, my latest creation.  I have two 5-gallon buckets outside by the trash cans, one for items to go to the compost pile, and one for cleaning out the litter boxes and cleaning up dog poop in the yard.  No big deal, I know which one is for which thing and so does my husband, who GRACIOUSLY empties them when they are full.  But the compost bucket had a hole in the bottom and started leaking out onto the concrete.  Eww!  Well the “poop” bucket was getting to the point that it should be replaced too. . . .  so, I got two new white buckets.  No big deal, right?  Well, I had an IDEA . . .  so I got out my Cricut machine and made them, well, DECORATIVE!  I just stood back and LAUGHED, and my husband just shook his head.  Did they need to be labeled?  Nope, not at all.  I couldn’t decide on just one saying for the “poop” bucket, so it has TWO, you know, just in case I decide to switch it up!

Do you ever do anything like that?  Do something or make something that isn’t necessary but FILLS that sense of creativity and at the same time makes you laugh at yourself?  

Being able to laugh at yourself is IMPORTANT.  They say laughter is good for the soul. It’s good medicine.  I believe that.  I know I’d rather be able to laugh at MYSELF and find humor in what I do than have someone else laugh at me in a negative way.  I don’t mind if people laugh along WITH me though.  Might as well share in the HUMOR, right?  I think it also allows others to see that it’s okay to do crazy things and to laugh at yourself.  It’s kind of THERAPUTIC.

Friends, don’t get too caught up in the seriousness of life.  Are there important aspects of life that need to be taken seriously?  Of course!  But too much of that can cause undue STRESS.  Enjoy your life, be SILLY, do crazy things.  Laugh at yourself!

I’d love to hear what kind of things you do that make you laugh at yourself.  Please share!  We all need a good laugh!