Mama P Inspired

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Make a Bold Statement

I just love making a statement!  I just imagine what people are thinking…, that’s a lot of color…….eww, that’s ugly…….those shoes don’t even go with that…..didn’t she have anything “normal” to wear?...... and I just LAUGH inside!  Why are people so afraid of a lot of COLOR?  I think it brightens up the world.  Now don’t get me wrong, I used to would have NEVER worn something like this.  But do you know what?  As I have discovered and uncovered the REAL me, I have learned that I like to mix things up.  For so long I dressed “normal” or what was ACCEPTABLE by the majority of society.  I say majority because there are some daring people (I put myself in that category now) who readily and happily break that MOLD and do their own thing.  I guess it’s me making my BRAND.  In the past, I have dabbled in doing my own thing in “baby steps”.  I’d say probably about 15 years ago, when we had chickens, ducks, and geese, I would gather up some of the PRETTY feathers they would lose, clean them up, and wear them.  I would put them on a chain as a necklace, but what I really liked was putting a couple long, IRIDESCENT rooster feathers on a clip and put it in my hair so that it kind of blended in with the length, but at the same time stood out with a POP.  Now that my hair is short it wouldn’t blend in well.  

Sometimes I find myself immediately drawn to a look someone is wearing and I try to think about what it is about that LOOK that I like.  Does that person look comfortable?  If not, I don’t want to go there.  Does the person look confident?  Now that’s something to think about - what is it that MAKES the person look confident?  Hmmmm.  Sometimes you can discover a lot about a person by what they wear and how they carry themselves.  

No matter what FASHION I explored, I was always looked at like I was weird, so I would wind up conforming to the social norms again.  As time has gone on, I have embraced it a little more, and now I think I’m just comfortable this way - being ME - and that “me” is taking on a BOLDER, more confident, casual look.  I really like the new me.  

Be bold, dress bold, wear confidence - it is BEAUTIFUL! Fashion is what you make it, so make your own. MIX patterns, textures, colors, be creative, be you!

What do you think? Would you wear something bold like these pants? Why or why not? Let me know, I’d love to hear what you think.

Be comfortable, take chances, and you may just uncover a new you!

Stay true to YOU my friends!  Have a great week my friends!