Mama P Inspired

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Let’s Talk…..How Will You Be Remembered?

Do you ever feel like “will anybody ever remember me when I’m gone?”?  I have that feeling swirl its way through my THOUGHTS every now and again.  I’m not really sure why.  I guess it’s just that sometimes I feel like I’m just going through the MOTIONS.  I wake up and go through pretty much the same MUNDANE routines each day and then I go to bed only to do it again. That’s okay, there’s a lot of beauty in ORDINARY days. But I know there’s a reason for me being here, a PURPOSE God has for me in the big picture of life.  I know that I’m here to make a difference and sometimes people even tell me I’ve done something or wrote something that made an impact on them.  I had a former student tell me I inspired her to be a marine biologist!  I hope that I live by EXAMPLE and that it’s a good example.  We all have things we do or say that we wish we could take back and hope that nobody remembers - I don’t want to be remembered for those things.  I want to live a life that really MATTERS, that makes a difference on a big scale.  But if I don’t, that’s okay, I know that even in the LITTLE things of life we can make a huge impact.  Does it matter if anyone notices?  Not really, but I think as humans we want a little RECOGNITION, a little acknowledgement, maybe a compliment just to know that someone catches sight of what we’ve done.

For some reason, this thought just really stuck in my mind today and with a little deeper meaning.  What will people REMEMBER about me when I’m gone?  What will they say about me, how I LIVED my life, my character, etc.  Not that I’m saying it matters what people think because everyone will have their opinions about you.  I’m talking about things that might be said about you in your EULOGY or at your wake.  When the family gets together will they MISS you?  Why?  What is it about you that will be missed?  WHEN will someone remember something you did?  While reminiscing about old times?  When they see a token that has significance or a reminder of you within it?  When they look in the MIRROR and see glimpses of you looking back at them?  When there is an empty seat that you used to fill?

My QUESTION to you today my friends is how do you want to be remembered?  What is it about your CHARACTER that you desire to stand out and make an impression on others?  If you were to write your eulogy, what would YOU say that others could agree with wholeheartedly?  

I can make a list of things that I feel speaks of my character, but is that the same that others see?  Am I living the life that has a true IMPACT on others or the world? 

Here’s a sample of things I would list for myself:

  • Hard working
  • Loves HARD
  • Cares deeply for animals
  • Always thinking of others
  • Organized
  • Goal oriented - focused
  • Wants to make the world a better place
  • Dreamer
  • Quirky
  • Honest
  • Creative

What I would leave off of that list:

  • Compassionate (I want to be, but it’s just not there)
  • Athletic - it’s just not me
  • Intelligent
  • Self-confident
  • Brave

But I still feel like there’s SOMETHING else that I will be remembered for that just hasn't happened yet. 

What list would YOU make for yourself?  Is that the way YOU want to be remembered? Are YOU living the life YOU want to live?  People WILL remember YOU, but how?  

You choose, my friend, you choose!  Now LIVE that life!  Go out there, not with the mindset of being remembered, but by being the REAL, honest-to-goodness you!  Now that is something to be remembered for!