Volunteering vs. Helping What’s in it For Me?

Have you ever stopped to think about the difference, if any, between volunteering and helping? Probably not, but I just had a CONVERSATION this week with someone who said she was helping with a program and in another statement referred to it as volunteering that just made me question, are they the same thing?
To me the difference is MOTIVATION. What is the initial reason of being there to volunteer or to help? Why are you in that particular PLACE at that particular time? When it comes to volunteering to do something, it is generally planned ahead of time. Someone might ask you to VOLUNTEER your time at a fundraiser or to assist with a blood drive. On the other hand, you might be shopping and encounter someone trying to reach something on a shelf and you notice the struggle (that would be me struggling - I am 5’2” and often struggle to get items on a high shelf). Both volunteering and helping involve being there WITHOUT a contract, pay, or an obligation that will make or break a deal. Volunteering to help someone offers a sense of BELONGING and making a connection with the community. In the process of volunteering, you may just make new friends. Helping someone gives you an immediate BOOST of happiness.
So basically, if you are volunteering, you are giving of your time to perform a service of some type on your own FREE WILL. If you are helping, you are basically providing what is necessary for someone to accomplish a TASK.
So is there a DIFFERENCE between the two actions? I’d say in most cases you are ASKED to volunteer but probably not asked for help. Going back to my short stature issues, reaching items placed highly (whether on a shelf or on a hook) is CHALLENGING for me. I have been known to climb shelves to reach something. Or, if I can find something in my cart or nearby to my location to serve as an extension of my arm (like a can of hairspray, flyswatter, whatever) I use that. There is ALWAYS that chance that I might get a little more than I wanted using my arm extension, so I prepare to duck since I don’t typically wear a helmet while shopping. I also scope the area to look for someone I think is tall enough to reach the item for me and I ask them politely. A few weeks ago I was walking my short little self down the aisle at Walmart and noticed an elderly man in a WHEELCHAIR looking over items on a shelf. My short little self suddenly transformed into Nicole Kidman (she’s 5’11”)! I asked him if I could HELP him get something and he happily accepted my assistance. It felt really good to help him. Now my husband is the “King of Helping”. He is ALWAYS opening doors or carrying things for people, or helping out however he can. Shoot, I think sometimes he’s so eager to help people he practically pushes me out of the way - just kidding, but kind of not. Anyway, he’s a VERY helpful human being.
Now I’m back to the original QUESTION in the title, “what’s in it for me?”
Whether you volunteer or help, you may feel contentment, a sense of purpose, invincible . . . happy! You know when you undergo this crazy idea of volunteering or helping, it results in ENDORPHINS being released in the brain that actually boosts happiness! But other than these feel-good emotions, is there anything else? That goes back to my scenario where the person said she was helping and then volunteering. When I heard HELPING I thought “wow, that is so nice of her to give her time to help others, without any recognition whatsoever”. Come to find out, there was another reason. After this person left, the one she was helping told me that the woman was using those “VOLUNTEER HOURS” to report to her sorority. I get that you may be in a group, or even for your job, where you are ENCOURAGED to volunteer for things and then report it. When I was teaching in the public school system, that was actually part of our EVALUATION. We had to list all activities we volunteered for in the community and that was calculated into our overall performance as a teacher. WHAT?!?! True story. While I think it’s wonderful to volunteer, because so many things literally would not happen without them, I wonder are there endorphins being released when there is an ULTERIOR motive for volunteering? If it’s the case that there is a hidden agenda for doing something that benefits you, is there a way to change your MINDSET so you can reap the full REWARDS of giving your time to assist someone or an event?
How about doing a random act of kindness, no expectations, just looking for an opportunity (or not OVERLOOKING an opportunity) to help someone - no strings attached? Is someone looking for volunteers and you happen to be available? Why not give it a try and see how EMPOWERED you feel that you made a difference - because you DID! If you are in an organization that wants you to report volunteer hours, maybe try thinking of it as being valued because you are PRICELESS - because you are!
Keep on volunteering . . . keep on helping! We need each other to get through life!
Have a blessed week my friends!
BTW, Prince was 5’2” and so is Lady Gaga!