Let’s Talk… What do you want to be?

"I am not like everyone else. I don’t pretend to be.  I don’t want to be.  I am me."

- Unknown

I am beyond excited to announce that I have a shop on my website!!!  It’s called “Exclusively @ Mama P Inspired”.  I NEVER would have imagined that I would have it this soon, but here it is ready to go!  What excites me the most about it is that I am working with a company that allows me to make my own DESIGNS.  That means that everything in my shop is MY design.  I wanted to talk to you about one of the designs I am most excited about.  The BEE shirt.

I’m sure everyone has heard PHRASES such as “Bee Kind”,  “Bee Happy”,  “Bee Humble”, “Bee-lieve in Yourself” and so on.  While I did design a “Queen Bee” t-shirt that is in my store (because I have HONEYBEES so I love all things queen bee), it is another one that I want to introduce you to.  It’s called “Bee .....Bold, Honest, Courageous, Different, Confident, Genuine, Strong, You”.  And let me tell you WHY.  ~ with the help of “Oxford Languages Dictionary”.   I want you to:


adjective ~ a person, action, or idea showing an ability to take risks


      adjective ~ free from deceit and untruthfulness; sincere


adjective ~ not deterred by danger or pain; brave


adjective ~ not the same as another or each other; distinct; novel and unusual


adjective ~ feeling or showing confidence in oneself; self-assured; feeling or showing certainty about something


adjective ~ truly what something is said to be; authentic; sincere


adjective ~ able to withstand great forces or pressure; not easily disturbed, upset, or affected; a person showing determination, self-control, and good judgment


pronoun ~ referring to a person

Did you notice that ALL of the words except “you” are adjectives?  An adjective is a word that describes something, and that something is YOU!  The person I’m talking to right NOW!

It’s time to take a TRUE self-reflection of yourself and what it means in ALL areas of your life.  How you think, how you feel, the things that you think are funny or things that bother you - the WHOLE package!

It’s time to tell yourself it is perfectly okay to be BOLD.  It’s time to be HONEST with yourself about who you are.  It’s time to be COURAGEOUS and stand up for yourself, your beliefs, and your needs.  It’s time to embrace that you are DIFFERENT and that is what makes each one of us so wonderfully perfect!  It’s time to hold your head up, stand tall and be CONFIDENT in yourself and who you are.  It’s time to show the world your GENUINE, authentic self.    It’s time to stand STRONG and be known as a person who is determined and to be taken seriously.

My friends, it is TIME!  Be that person that you have always wanted to be.  You are so much more than you think you are.  

BE the bold, honest, courageous, different, confident, genuine, strong YOU!


Let Them Know What You Are!


Crockpot Asian Sweet Chili Sesame Chicken