Taking Time For Yourself
Do you get so caught up in the day-to-day routines that you forget to take TIME for yourself? Do you feel like taffy being pulled from one role you play in life to the next, and next, and next? Sometimes in that taffy-pulling process you can FORGET to take time to breathe. You forget about taking care of yourself because you are focused on taking care of others and trying to JUGGLE family and career.
I think we all feel this STRESS at some point (or points) in our life. That is why it is VITAL that we take time to step back, reflect on our goals in life, strategize, and then move forward. We focus so much on that BIG goal that we get overwhelmed and feel defeated before we begin, so it’s just easier to continue being taffy.
Cheryl Conklin of Wellness Central are in such a connect on so many issues, including the IMPORTANCE of beating the grind and refocusing on what is important. She wrote an article for my blog a few weeks ago and asked if she could do it again. Of course it ABSOLUTELY meets the goals I have for my readers because we are on the same page in our desire to promote wellness. So here it is!
Image via Pexels
Beating the Grind: A Guide for Working Women to Boost Their Well-Being
Women have come a long way in their role in society. They are no longer just homemakers, but they are also professionals in many different fields. With so many responsibilities to balance, it can be hard to find time for self-care and well-being. Today, Mama P Inspired will be discussing some tips for working women to beat the grind and boost their well-being.
Establish Achievable Personal Objectives
Setting personal GOALS is one of the most effective ways to boost your well-being. Having personal objectives can help you stay motivated and focused on what is IMPORTANT. However, you must set ACHIEVABLE goals that you can realistically reach. The key is to break down your larger goals into smaller, more manageable ones. This tactic will help you feel less overwhelmed and more ACCOMPLISHED. Take small steps every day, and soon, you will be able to achieve your bigger goals.
Promote Self-Positive Dialogue
Positive SELF-TALK is an effective way to shift your mindset towards a more optimistic view of yourself and the world. Instead of criticizing yourself, focus on your STRENGTHS. Be kind, gentle, and understanding with yourself. You can practice by saying positive things to yourself when you look in the mirror or leaving yourself positive notes around your work area.
Look for a Better Job
If your current job isn’t giving you the satisfaction you deserve, maybe it’s time to look elsewhere. That can seem a little intimidating but you can give yourself an edge over the competition by using a CV builder that takes advantage of PROVEN templates to really highlight your skills in the most persuasive way possible. It’s also a good idea to think up some interview questions you might be asked and practice your responses beforehand.
Enhance Your Skills With an Online Degree
In the face of increasing RESPONSIBILITIES and DEMANDS, one way that working women can enhance their professional skills and well-being is by pursuing an online degree. If you've ever considered broadening your knowledge base and improving your capabilities, research your options. Online degrees offer FLEXIBILITY, allowing you to learn at your own pace and around your schedule, which is particularly beneficial for working women who often have to BALANCE career, family, and personal pursuits. For example, if you’d like to become a teacher, earning an education degree will build your teaching skills and subject knowledge.
Embrace the Power of Forgiveness
Letting go of grudges and resentment can give you a sense of lightness and freedom. FORGIVING others can be a challenging task, but it is essential for your well-being. When we hold on to anger and resentment, we are only PUNISHING ourselves, which can lead to depression, anxiety, and other psychological problems. Forgiving someone doesn't mean they get off the hook, but it means that you are moving on for your own well-being.
Engage In Regular Self-Reflection
Regular SELF-REFLECTION can help you develop self-awareness, which is crucial for your well-being. Take a few moments each day to reflect on your day and your thoughts and feelings. This practice can help you become more MINDFUL, giving you a chance to adjust your thinking and behavior to better align with your values and goals. This practice can also help you identify areas for IMPROVEMENT and help you set achievable goals along the way.
Kickstart a Gardening Hobby
Gardening can be a relaxing and therapeutic hobby. However, for working women, finding TIME to tend a garden can be a challenge. Fortunately, with the right tools and tips, anyone can create an indoor or outdoor garden. There are a variety of online tools, such as gardening apps, that can help you plan and care for your own garden, helping you relax and unwind after a long day at work.
For working women, balancing work and personal responsibilities can be OVERWHELMING. But it's crucial to PRIORITIZE self-care for a healthier and happier life. These tips will help you beat the daily grind and boost your well-being. Set achievable goals, find a better job, practice positive self-talk, enhance your skills with an online degree, embrace forgiveness, take time to reflect, and start a gardening hobby. Take CONTROL of your life and find fulfillment and happiness.
Mama P Inspired is here to help you build CONFIDENCE. Questions? Don’t hesitate to reach out!
written by Cheryl Conklin, Wellness Central, www.wellnesscentral.info
Thank you Cheryl for ideas on expanding one’s sense of SELF-CARE and overall WELL-BEING.
My freinds, It is so important to examine one's priorities through self-reflection. Life can be extremely hectic, but it is vital that you take time for yourself so that you can be better in ALL areas of your life. Take time for yourself, incorporate reflection, betterment in your choice of career, and engage in a hobby. Be the BEST you that you can! It’s NEVER too late. Take time for YOU! Take time for you and try somethiing new :)