You Are Not Meant to Do Life Alone
“You have two hands: one to help yourself, the second to help others.”
~ Audrey Hepburn
Life is TOUGH. No matter your color, race, religion, or background, life will always bring challenges you have to face. You will be scrutinized, judged, and persecuted for your beliefs by those who think differently than you do.
When life gets tough, it’s tempting to let our hearts HARDEN ~ to view the world through the lens of our past hurts. That will leave you feeling alone.
And when we look through the tainted lens, we start to DOUBT that good still exists. We might find ourselves losing faith in people, holding back and hesitant to trust others. The hurt caused by one person can spread, leaving us guarded and overly CAUTIOUS as if we’re constantly waiting for the past to repeat itself.
In that fear of being hurt again, it’s easy to ASSUME others have intentions they don’t, expecting them to let us down before they even get the chance. Our guard is up!
There will always be challenges that come our way, over and over again throughout life. Each season brings its own set of OBSTACLES, testing us, teaching us, stretching us and pushing us to grow. Challenges are part of the journey, and though they may look different at each stage and every circumstance, they’re REMINDERS that we’re still moving forward, still becoming who we’re meant to be ~ although it's one of those “hindsight is 20/20” kind of things. At times, it can feel nearly IMPOSSIBLE to see how what we're going through could actually be leading us toward who we’re meant to become.
It’s easy to let worst-case scenarios fill the EMPTY spaces or to assume we know what others are thinking. But TRUST your discernment: if something feels off or doesn’t sit right, ask questions, seek clarity, and know that, yes, sometimes people may not be fully honest. But remember, there are also so many GENUINE, good-hearted people in this world.
That’s why a steadfast faith is ESSENTIAL! When life throws challenges your way, hold onto a soft heart and keep your thoughts rooted in TRUTH.
There are people who truly want the best for you, who hold tightly to God’s Word, who stand ready to encourage you with WISDOM drawn straight from His truth. Seek them out! Surround yourself with them. For they are there to help you navigate through life’s storms. There to guide you, comfort you, and to SHARE in your burdens.
It is VITAL to have a support system in place to navigate life’s challenges. We were never intended to face life’s ups and downs completely on our own. But the fear of being hurt yet again due to past circumstances that holds you HOSTAGE to trust anyone or feeling alone with the weight of the world on your shoulders can be stifling. That’s why it is imperative to seek out and build MEANINGFUL relationships with others.
We need to be there for one another.
Stand by each other ~ lift each other up by SHARING one another’s emotional and physical burdens, showing true love and compassion. That’s what we’re called to do!
We need to allow our Christian community to ENCOURAGE and challenge us, but most importantly to be there for us and us for them.
Hebrews 10:23-25 (MSG)
Let’s keep a firm grip on the promises that keep us going. He always keeps His word. Let’s see how inventive we can be in encouraging love and helping out, not avoiding worshiping together as some do but spurring each other on, especially as we see the big Day approaching.
In these verses we are reminded that we have a FAITHFUL God, and that life as a Christian is not done alone. They emphasize the importance of not neglecting to meet together with other believers. And who are you going to encourage or help? Someone else, right? You can’t “someone else” without another person!
.Galatians 6:2 (MSG)
Stoop down and reach out to those who are oppressed. Share their burdens, and so complete Christ’s law.
My friends, as we enter this season of “thanksgiving”, let us be THANKFUL for those around us who are there to share our burdens and hold us up because we can’t do this life alone. We were never intended to.