Mama P Inspired

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Why Do You Lie To Me?

Do you ever get TIRED of people lying to you?  Maybe you feel like everyone is lying to you ~ a conspiracy theory that everyone is out to get you.  But what about when it's one or two particular people that lie to you - right to your face - over and over again?  

When it's an acquaintance it is so much easier to DISMISS it, just turn and walk away never giving it another thought. They’re just not worth your time.  You can just consider that a flaw in their CHARACTER - a real lack of integrity.  No moral compass.  That doesn’t make it right, but it’s not anything to worry about.

But what if it’s someone you consider a friend?  Why would they lie to you? Are you sure this person is a friend, or just one in disguise?  Some people have a TRIBE of friends and some only a few.  I would say I have a lot of people in my life that I would consider my friends, but are they REALLY friends or is it just that I know them?  Are they someone I would invite to a party?  Would these people be honest with me?  Are they SILENTLY not telling me something I should know and laughing on the inside - like if I have a tag sticking out or maybe there’s broccoli in my teeth?

Now let’s move to the thought of this person being a CLOSE friend.   Someone you consider a bestie, your confidant.  Why would they lie to you?  Is it to SAVE you from something they think would be harmful to you?  Maybe they know you so well that they think it would tear you apart if you knew the truth about something.  Or maybe they’re JEALOUS of you for some reason and if they keep the truth to themself you will not progress and you won’t leave them.  I personally don’t think that would be a GENUINE close friend.  I know I want only the best for my friends.  I want them to see just how high they can go

Ok, now the hardest one.  What if it’s a FAMILY member?  Ouch!  Am I the only person out there who has had a family member lie to them?  Over and over, like it’s become a habit, second nature.  Why?  Do they think you won’t know that they’re lying?  Are you not smart enough to figure it out that they are looking you DIRECTLY in the eye and lying to you?  Why?  To once again SAVE you from the truth?  Ok, maybe that could be true.  Maybe they are honestly thinking it really is best for you not to know the truth.  But wait….when you know the truth already and they lie right to you… do you handle that?  How SHOULD you handle it?  Do you just go along with it or call them out on it?

Maybe it's best to not say anything, not to call them out.  It would only ESCALATE things and possibly start a nuclear explosion.  Or maybe it would set them straight that you KNOW what they’re doing or saying is an absolute lie.  Call them out and make them aware that you are AWARE of what’s going on.

Some people don’t want to rock the boat ~ in any of these circumstances.  Or maybe you pick and choose the relationship(s) that you deem APPROPRIATE for either turning away or calling the person out.

I think most people can CONNECT with what I’m saying because people are people are people and no matter how much we want openness and HONESTY, we can’t force that on someone.

Oh . . . .  or are YOU the one who is not being honest?  Have you had experiences in these areas and can identify with times you weren’t completely honest with someone.  Why did you do it?  I only know for myself, but I would love to hear from other people about how they handled the situation and their response, or why it is that you have felt JUSTIFIED in lying.  Because that’s what it is, right?  You either tell the TRUTH or you don’t.  Are you reading the room and deciding when it’s okay and when it’s not.  Does that make it right?

I have been working really hard on being a woman of INTEGRITY.  God has been working OVERTIME with me on being honest with others and myself, doing what I say I will do, no matter who it is, and saying what I feel in a more GENTLE way. If you don’t tell someone how you feel about what’s going on, they may honestly not know and then you’re only making things WORSE.  What if you know someone is being lied to?  Do you tell them?  Do you make them aware?  Is it once again a matter of justifying if it’s okay to NOT tell the truth?

Friends, I know that sometimes you may think it’s best to not tell someone the truth.  But is it really?  I CHALLENGE you to be honest for a whole week… EVERYONE!   When you are in a situation where you want to withhold the truth, step back and examine your motives.  Think about your INTEGRITY…… is that a characteristic someone would use to describe you?  

I HONESTLY want you all to have a fantastic week my friends!