Mama P Inspired

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Let’s Talk… What’s Next?

I was just having a conversation with someone wanting to know why I was doing what I’m doing with my honeybees.  What the plans were for GROWING my apiary.  When I finished, she said “what’s next?”  

Right now I have two HIVES that have thus far made it through the winter, but I have ordered more and have boxes ready for them.  I explained…….

I have always had a CALLING of sorts to take care of the world the best I can.  I am a recycling fanatic and as part of my college education program, I DEVELOPED a recycling program for my community that came to fruition.  Unfortunately, not enough people are concerned with the environment and do not UNDERSTAND the impact they can make by recycling, so that program is no longer in place.  I still recycle though.  When I went back for my masters in biology education degree, there was an interesting article I read about HONEYBEES and colony collapse.  It was so interesting that I continued to research honeybees.  They had already FASCINATED me, but I never saw myself as actually being a beekeeper.  Well, now I am a beekeeper.  

All along, I have listened to God calling me into each of these CHAPTERS of my life; going to college in my 40’s, recycling, going BACK to college, the interest in honeybees.  NONE of these just happened.  People have asked me if I do these things because I am bored.  HARDLY!  

As I told the person who wanted to know what was NEXT, I explained that I listen to God and He guides me in what I NEED to do ~ what HE has called me to do ~ and I am just trying to be obedient.  We are all called for something, but we don’t always LISTEN and answer the call.  As I was thinking about “what’s next”, it struck me that I have absolutely NO idea.  And that’s okay.  What I do know is that I’m looking forward to it, whatever it is. 

But then it occurred to me that I shouldn’t be in the MINDSET of “what’s next” and IGNORE what is happening right now in my life.  Look forward to the future?  ABSOLUTELY.  But I can’t just live in the past either, that will bring on a boat load of emotions.  Happy memories and sad memories.  Gratitude and heartbreak.  Smiles and regret.  Likewise, I can’t just LOOK to the future.  If I do that, I will not be FULLY present and embracing every moment in the chapter I’m in.  Right now is part of my STORY, and I want to live out each and every page in this chapter, not SKIM over them and get to the end.

I think it’s important to understand that life is not STATIC.  It is constantly changing.  Sometimes changes happen in the blink of an eye and other times it's a gradual CHANGE.  I like looking at pictures of people from years ago and thinking “WOW” how things have changed - looks, clothing, styles of cars and houses.  Do we see these changes happening before our eyes?  NOPE.  Life is like that, constantly changing in EVERY aspect.  Now I’m not saying we should just CONFORM to the new norms, but at some point you also have to adjust.  I know of people who still wear hairstyles from the 1970’s!   LITERALLY!  That doesn’t mean we have to agree with what everyone is doing at all times, nor do we have to just accept the new norms, but a little TWEAKING here and there should be taken into consideration - you can change your hairstyle from what it was 50 years ago, that’s not TOO radical!  

My friends, don’t be stuck where you are.  Embrace “what’s next”, and next, and next.  Just don’t be so consumed with looking FORWARD that you don’t appreciate the moment you are in right NOW.

Have a great week my friends!