“Act as if what you do makes a difference. It does.”

~ William James

The Power of Influence

Do you know how much POWER your influence has? I went to the dermatologist this week, and was once again reminded of the influence I have on others. As I reflect on the conversation I had with my doctor and the genuine comments she made about me, I can’t help thinking about just how much all women influence others more than we may realize. 

I may not have a big following just yet, but honestly, don’t we all influence those around us in some way? 

We have those who look to us for inspiration in how we dress, fix our hair or makeup, how we walk and carry ourselves. But not only that, people watch our attitude! Have you thought about that? How you greet (or don’t greet) others, the small talk with a cashier or other people waiting in line. Do you take the time to help others reach an item on a high shelf, or are you in such a hurry that you don’t have time for others? 

Oh yes, we all influence others in many ways!

And if you have raised children, you know the influence you have on them!  Good or bad, they absorb it all.  What we choose to do and say each and every day impacts others in some way.  

People are observing you every day and YOU can have a HUGE influence on THEM.

What message are you sending out? Is it one you would be proud of or one you might be ashamed of? 

I think we need to be more aware of what message we are sending others! 

Have a fabulous week my friends!

Fashion Ginger Porter Fashion Ginger Porter

Reviving A Chair To Fit My Style

Do you have a piece of furniture that is either in DESPERATE need of repair or just doesn’t fit your style, but is still functional? Maybe you’ve seen something at a yard sale or thrift store that catches your eye, but needs a little MAKEOVER.

I have a chair that I had already RESURRECTED with a lovely black and white polka dot fabric that ….well, let’s just say that it looks like a rabid dog got ahold of it, but it was just children who didn’t RESPECT what belonged to someone else. As you can see from the first picture above, it was either to put it out of its misery at the landfill or REVIVE it yet once again. I chose the later because I still saw POTENTIAL in it.

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Let's Talk Ginger Porter Let's Talk Ginger Porter

Let’s Talk… What’s Next?

I shouldn’t be in the MINDSET of “what’s next” and IGNORE what is happening right now in my life. Look forward to the future? ABSOLUTELY. But I can’t just live in the past either, that will bring on a boat load of emotions. Happy memories and sad memories. Gratitude and heartbreak. Smiles and regret. Likewise, I can’t just LOOK to the future. If I do that, I will not be FULLY present and embracing every moment in the chapter I’m in. Right now is part of my STORY, and I want to live out each and every page in this chapter, not SKIM over them and get to the end. Don’t be stuck where you are. Embrace “what’s next”, and next, and next. Just don’t be so consumed with looking FORWARD that you don’t appreciate the moment you are in right NOW.

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